The Left of the moral side
Sincerely made me think of the leftists of this country, coincidence?
Exhibition and Child labor
We went to the exhibition last week(11th). Whoever had the idea that having the exhibition on the banks of Cooum would be great idea must be really sick. Probably,
Then went to Besant nagar beach this weekend (18th). If the Tamilnadu government is serious enough to implement the child labor laws it should look no further. No, I am not taking about the kids selling sundal or balloons or bajji there. You watch any family with a small kid (1-5 years of age), you will find another kid(always a girl in the 8-14 age range) watching over the kid. This will be true always for families where both the parents are working. Even my neighbor has a small girl to care of their kid. The treatment meted out to these kids vary from bad to worse. And it teaches a kind of class awareness to the kids who also start treating the girls as bosses. These girls always live with the family all the time and are not even allowed to visit their parents or have vacation etc. While the middle class is vociferous about their perks, they don't even have a conscience to treat these girls atleast moderately well. Probably, these people will argue strongly against child labor with these girls around. The lack of compassion and the skewed moral compass of these people is just horrendous. A sound case to describe middle class hypocrisy!!
Sun tech days...
And Sibi was not feeling well for the past 3 days and finally got well now. He is having fun time drawing anything and everything that comes to his mind. Its kind of amazing to note some of the things he draws. Some odd things (at least to me, not to him!!) he has drawn are the toilet, TV with rhymes in it, tortoise mosquito coil, himself etc. How his mind works is totally amazing!!
The Discovery and Conquest of Peru - Zarate.
பழைய புத்தக விற்பனையின் போது இந்தப்புத்தகத்தை வாங்கினேன். 1528ம் வருடம் ஸ்பானிய வீரர்கள், இன்றைய பனாமாவின் பசிபிக் கடற்கரைகளில் இருந்து தெற...

I consider Vanathy as one of the most complex and intriguing character ever created in the Tamil novel world (OK, I still consider Yamini of...
எம்.ஆர். ராதாவின் சிறைச்சாலை நினைவுகள் படித்தேன். விந்தன் தினமணி கதிரில் எழுதியது. விந்தனின் கதைகள் படித்திருக்கிறேன். முழுக்கவும் உரையா...
ஆலங்கோட்டு லீலா கிருஷ்ணன் மலையாளத்தில் எழுதிய இந்த புத்தகம் சந்தியா பதிப்பகத்தின் மூலம் மொழி பெயர்த்து கிடைக்கிறது. இந்த வருட புத்தக கா...