Day 2 - Jan 1, 2009
Kudanthai - Thirukarukkavur - Tanjore
Kudanthai - Thirukarukkavur - Tanjore
The early morning of the new year saw us in the road from Kudanthai to Tanjore and we planned only one stop in between. This was to the Thirukarukkavur temple (where my mom had some 'nearthi kadan'). The road diverges in Papanasam and though the road is bad, the greenery of the place is absolutely stunning. After a bit of drive we came to a point on the banks of River Vettar with no bridge in sight. We parked the car and were told to cross the river using the small bridge and then walk to the temple. So we did the same except we took a share auto in the other bank.
The temple is in the midst of a village and not yet touched by the commercialization of other temples in the area. Mullaivananathar sits peacefully here doling out blessing to anyone and everyone who comes there. The amman is beautiful and after my mom's thing is done, we slowly walked back to the car.

Next stop was Tanjore Big temple. It was very hot when we reached Tanjore and there was a big crowd in the temple. We parked the car and walked inside. In the second gopuram, I stopped to try to read an inscription on the wall. It was actually easier than I thought. My wife was standing near me and she was looking up into the same and suddenly we both realized that this is a 'meikeerthi' of Raja Raja. It was so clear to start with the 'Swasthi sri thirumagal' in the first line. The entire trip was worth that one moment for me. That and the fact that I was able to make out 'Udayar sri Raja Raja Thevar' in almost all the places in the temple.
Once inside, we went to see Peruvudayar and then took a leisurely walk around the temple. Being new year, the crowd was high. During the walk, 2-3 Iyyappa swami's approached my father (who was lagging a bit) and asked 'samy, ithu enna ooru?' (Sir, whats the name of this city?). Sigh! apparently they dozed off in their van and were unable to figure where this 'Big temple' they are wandering about. Whom to blame for such a state of things? I also tried to search for the vanthiyathevan inscription in the back side of the temple with no luck. J enquired an ASI guide in the temple, that guy looked blank. But overall, it was a very satisfying visit (though I've been to this temple before). Most of the thanks should go to the PS group of which I am a member.

Thiruvarur - Kodikarai
We took some refreshments in Tanjore and drove to our next halt, Thiruvarur. I always wanted to vist the place where 'Mohanambal' danced. We checked into Hotel Selvies( and had our lunch there itself. It was 3PM and we started for Kodikarai in earnest to vist the Kuzhagar temple.

The drive in itself was not eventful and the slow change in scenery, from green fields slowly changing into 'uppalams' and the coastal backwaters changing into the swamp lands of Kodikarai. It was just beautiful. We decided to hit the beach first when light is there. The beach in itself is not the standard beaches but more a fishing village with some amount to sands and shells strewn across. The sun was setting now and the sparkle on the water with the fishing boats was looking fantastic. The kids were a bit disappointed to see such a beach. Took a picture of the light house and drove to the Kuzhagar temple.
The temple is undergoing renovation and it was plain to see that there is not much left of the original temple. The madapalli and Kuzhagesar Himself have not changed but the other parts of the temple have changed a lot. I talked to the gurukkal, who opened the temple after seeing us, and he was happy that they have sponsors for most of the renovation work. I was a bit sad that the temple may not look the way it was but then afterall, change is the only permanant thing.

This a shot of the madapalli in Kuzhagar temple. If you want to contribute to the renovation, please get in touch with the following person for details and ways to contribute.
V. Sivaraja Kurukkal
South mada Vazhagam
Kuzhagar temple
Kodiakkadu 614807
Vedaranyam (Tlk)
Nagai dist. Ph (04369) 27247 (off) 9486606209(mobile)
J was happy to have visited Kodikarai and our only regret was that we couldn't spend more time there.
V. Sivaraja Kurukkal
South mada Vazhagam
Kuzhagar temple
Kodiakkadu 614807
Vedaranyam (Tlk)
Nagai dist. Ph (04369) 27247 (off) 9486606209(mobile)
J was happy to have visited Kodikarai and our only regret was that we couldn't spend more time there.
We retuned back to Thiruvarur for the well-deseved rest.
This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing a dream come true.
HI Muthu, this is jeeva (MIDAS team), please share your email ID and contact phone. my ID -,
Super , now i am eager to see more on Big temple. usually we go late evening (to escape from heat)to temple.
From Kodaikarai, Poongkulali went to Srilanka along with Vantithevan is it correct.
yeah..unfortunately, going to Srilanka is not on the cards for a lot of time to come for me..
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